Localisation of blog posts for a major dairy brand

Girl sipping a berry smoothie | Professional Spanish localisation services for food brands

Language and client

  • British English to Spanish
  • creative translation agency
  • Localised around 20,000 words of nutrition blog posts, checking and implementing SEO key phrases provided by the end client.
  • Localised nutritional guidelines from English to Spanish resources.

The project encouraged me take a specialist i-SEO translation course to be able to offer keyword research alongside SEO translation. Since then, I’ve revised and translated tons of marketing collateral and SEO-related texts, such as metadata, product landing pages, website copy and blog articles in various fields, for example, food and drink, language learning and interior design.

It was a pleasure to have Pili as a student in my SEO Translation course. She was quick to understand the theory and did very well in all the assignments. Congratulations on your results!

David, i-SEO translation tutor at AulaSic

Ready to localise your marketing collateral for Spain?