Pili-Rodriguez-Deus | Professional-creative-Spanish-translation

Professional memberships

As a serious professional translator, I also spend a lot of time honing my skills and learning new topics. Here are the main courses I’ve taken:

Certificate in pâtisserie translation, AulaSic

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Certificate in professional proofreading, Calamo & Cran

Request a proofreading test or a quotation.

Certificate in SEO translation, AulaSic

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Certificate in wine translation, AulaSic

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Certificate in culinary translation, Trágora Formación

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MA in English to Spanish Translation, University of Portsmouth, UK (Distinction)

Postgraduate Certificate in Post Compulsory Education and Training (PGCE PCET), University of Southampton, UK

First degree in French to Spanish Translation and Interpreting, University of Vigo (Distinction)


Translation of promotional product review

What an exercise! I think this style suits you to a T and, undoubtedly, you make readers want to taste the product. No one will resist. Can I have a kilo of…, please?

Translation of literary essay on food

What can I say about this exercise? Only that I’m very proud of you, not just because of how good you are, but because of all I learn from you.

Rosa Llopis, former culinary translation tutor at Trágora Formación

Find more feedback throughout the website or on my LinkedIn page.